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Royal Oak

4.0 ( 8000 ratings )
Style de vie Divertissement
Développeur LOKE Digital Pty Ltd.

Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member deals with the Royal Oak app. Earn 10 loyalty points for every $1 you spend at Royal Oak. With mobile payment support, you can purchase exclusive in-app offers and pay in-store with your phone; no cash, no long ATM lines and no lost cards. It’s safe, secure and simple.


Earn loyalty points for every $1 you spend
Facebook Connect or email sign-up; it’s your choice
Mastercard, Visa, Amex* and PayPal are all accepted
Mobile payment support; buy deals in-app and pay in-store with your phone
Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member

*2% surcharge on American Express purchases